For both these projects you will need Wildflower seeds available from your local garden centres. Look for a mixture of native species such as Borage, Chervil, Red clover, Ragged Robin, Ox Eye Daisy, Red Campion which are ideally bee friendly. Thompson and Morgan, Suttons, Sarah Raven and Verve are stocked widely. Some packets contain vermiculite seed carrier which means you need to use a bigger sprinkle in your seed bombs.
WildFlower Seed Bombs
You will need: Scrap paper, water, food blender, wildflower seeds, muslin or piece of cloth for straining, bowl, food cutters or ice tray,
1) Tear the paper into small pieces and put into the food blender. Experiment with different colours, magazines and newspaper are fine to use. Cover the paper with water. Leave to soak for 5 minutes or so. Blend the paper to a smooth pulp.
2) Tip the mixture into a muslin or piece of cloth over a bowl to strain the liquid. Give it a squeeze and then open the cloth and add a sprinkling of seeds. Stir them into the paper pulp then squeeze the pulp again.
3) Now it is time to shape the seed mixture. Take a small amount and roll into balls in your hands. Use fingers and the handle of a teaspoon to squish a thin layer of the mixture into cooker cutters or ice cube holder.
4) Leave to dry in the sunshine for a few hours and when you’re ready throw your bombs into the garden and wait for them to grow.
Tin-can hanging basket
You will need: Empty tin cans, nail, hammer, string or wire, paint and brush, wildflower seeds or flower plugs, peat free compost.
1) Thoroughly wash an empty tin can being careful of the sharp edges. Make a couple of holes a centimetre or so from the top of the tin using a nail and hammer. You will need to do this on a board and place the nail inside the rim of the can. You can also add some holes at the bottom for better drainage. Then secure string or wire through the holes.
2) You can paint the can with acrylic paints that with withstand being outside. When dry, fill the can to an inch from the top with peat free compost. Sprinkle native wildflower seeds on the surface and cover with a thin layer of compost or press a plant or seedling into the can.
3) Place in a sunny spot and remember to water.